Dear Customers and Partners,

As you are aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted nearly everyone’s personal and work life, as well as businesses around the globe.

From day one, the safety, health and well-being of our employees has been our top priority. Early on, Acacia’s executive team was quick to institute company-wide travel restrictions and work-from-home policies, while taking necessary steps to minimize disruption to our employees and Acacia’s day-to-day business. We are proud to report that substantially all of our employees are now successfully working from home, and we are actively engaged in and promoting social distancing and various other recommended preventive measures, including for the limited group of onsite employees performing “business critical” functions.

We have activated our business continuity plans and implemented onsite protocols and procedures deemed necessary to help keep our business operations on track. We are working closely with our suppliers and contract manufacturers as we strive to meet our customers’ product and support needs and minimize the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak during this challenging time. Our efforts to date, which we will keep in place as long as necessary, have allowed us to continue working closely with our customers on a daily basis.

The ability to work remotely and stay connected with coworkers, business partners, family and friends has never been more important than it is today. We are pleased to see that the worldwide telecommunications infrastructure has performed well under the surge in demand driven by the COVID 19 outbreak. Acacia is proud to be a part of the broader telecommunications supply chain that has built the global internet backbone that makes this new “work-from-home” world possible today and is committed to continuing its history of innovation going forward.

People around the world have been demonstrating amazing creativity in finding ways to stay connected, productive and healthy during this challenging time. Acacia is committed to doing its best to help and continue supporting our customers who are providing essential communications infrastructure

At Acacia, we strongly believe, we can work through these challenges together. On behalf of the entire Acacia Team, we wish you, your family and your business all the best.


Raj Shanmugaraj
President and CEO
Acacia Communications, Inc.