Conflict Minerals Policy Statement
Acacia Communications, Inc. is committed to social responsibility, respect for human rights, and compliance with applicable laws worldwide.
In 2012, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) adopted rules about sourcing conflict minerals as defined in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Section 1502 (the “Conflict Minerals Rule”). The Conflict Minerals Rule requires publicly traded companies to report to the SEC, on an annual basis, the presence of conflict minerals tin, tungsten, tantalum or gold (“3TG”) originating from the Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining countries (“Covered Countries”) in either the products they manufacture or contract to manufacture, or use in their production process.
Acacia Communications supports the SEC’s goal of ending violence, environmental devastation and human rights violations in the Covered Countries. Acacia Communications is committed to complying with requirements applicable to our Company under the Conflict Minerals Rule. Acacia Communications will file the necessary documentation in compliance with the regulatory requirements in a process that meets the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) framework for compliance.
Acacia Communications is committed to exercising reasonable due diligence to determine the origin and status of any 3TG minerals that are used in the manufacture or production of Acacia’s products, including (i) whether any such minerals originated in the Covered Countries and (ii) whether such minerals directly or indirectly benefit armed groups in the Covered Countries.
As a company that manufacturers products using a variety of components supplied by a diverse supply chain, Acacia Communications is committed to ensuring our supply base shares Acacia Communications’ commitment to preventing the use of 3TG conflict minerals originating from the Covered Countries. Acacia Communications is committed to the development and deployment of a conflict minerals program that conforms to the internationally recognized due diligence framework established by the OECD and to ensure all of its suppliers have, or will, develop a similar program.
Please direct any questions or concerns regarding Acacia Communications’ conflict minerals or other compliance programs to Acacia Communications’ Export Control and Compliance Manager at
Acacia Communications will review and update this conflict minerals policy as necessary.