
Client Optics Components

Higher Bandwidth, Lower Power, and Smaller Footprint

Acacia’s client optics portfolio is driven by key customer requirements for better power efficiency, higher performance, and smaller footprint from a proven high-volume supplier. Delivering these capabilities is a critical enabler for module vendors to design cutting-edge pluggable modules that can handle the compute-intensive workloads generated by AI, cloud services, and video streaming. With 100G per lane optical engines shipping in volume, Acacia is already an established supplier for client optics components based on silicon photonics.

Intra-Data Center for Cloud/AI

Hyperscalers and neocloud providers are driving the explosive need for high-speed short-reach intra-data center optical interconnects. Client optics module manufacturers require high-performance, high-quality components such as PAM4 DSP ASICs and optical engines to meet the intra-data center optical interconnect demand.


Enables multiple lanes of high-speed PAM4 modulated transmission in conjunction with an optical engine.

Optical Engine

Transmit and Receive optical engines provide high-speed optical-to-electrical and electrical-to-optical conversions.